The aim of Music for EU-ths is to create and strengthen our community that, through the development of specific skills related to music, learns to collaborate, communicate and overcome the barriers of prejudice, stereotype and cultural ones, with the aim of rediscover ourselves as members of a single close-knit group. This project proposes a model that can create a real transformation in the social relations of a community, such as the possibility of cultural production in a collective way, through artistic experiences that highlight music, with the final result of cultivating a community capable of building collectively, in a few days, a unique event, an “Improvised Concert” In our project, rhythm and improvisation become the tools through which skills, relationships, and roles necessary for collective construction are developed, to transform a group of people into a group of artists who take care of their compositional framework. We will work on the development of new musical techniques, discovering how to make music together through improvisation, at the base of which there is listening to the other, the recognition and respect of others’ musical-personal space and personal harmonious putting into play: elements that, combined, create a work of the whole, the final result of which depends on the union of the sounds of each one, each different and each of a personal inestimable value. During the activities we will work on a method that will include the sharing of one’s feelings, the comparison and the capacity for self-assessment which will increase the process of becoming aware of the skills developed.

More: here

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Tricou, K-off, Lupul dacic cu tricolor, Negru



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Tabără de excelență pentru elevii olimpici din Mitropolia Olteniei

vin aug. 23 , 2024
Pr. Teodor Marcu Cu binecuvântarea Înaltpreasfințitului Dr. Irineu, Arhiepiscopul Craiovei și Mitropolitul Olteniei, în după amiaza zilei de marți, 20 august 2024, la Seminarul Teologic Ortodox „Sf. Grigorie Teologul” din Craiova, a avut loc deschiderea oficială a taberei de excelență pentru elevii olimpici din Oltenia. Tabăra este intitulată „Science, Intelligence, […]

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