În cadrul unui interviu online, Diana Șoșoacă cere oprirea vaccinării copiilor cu serul experimental anti Covid-19, declarând: “Voi începe campania de antivaccinare Covid-19, în calitate de Senator al României solicit oprirea vaccinării! Copiii noștri nu sunt cobai!”
Declarațiile senatoarei Diana Șoșoacă vin și în urma apariției unui studiu nou care arată că 80% din tinerii vaccinați au avut efecte secundare grave și moderate.
The study was set up as a double-blind study, one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. In addition to the 1127 children and adolescents injected with the first dose and 1097 with the second dose, 1127 and 1078 were injected with a saline solution as a placebo. The differences were remarkable: of the children vaccinated with the real vaccine, over five times as many complained of side effects within the first seven days.
In detail these were:
First vaccination
Fever over 38 degrees C (114)
Fatigue (677)
Headache (623)
Shivering (311)
Vomiting (31)
Diarrhea (90)
Muscle pain (272)
Joint pain (109)Second vaccination
Fever over 38 degrees C (215)
Fatigue (726)
Headache (708)
Shivering (455)
Vomiting (29)
Diarrhea (65)
Muscle pain (355)
Joint pain (173)
Preluare: incorectpolitic.com